The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center

Constitution of
The University of West Alabama
Sports Medicine Club

Constitution of the
University of West Alabama
Sports Medicine Club


We, the members of the University of West Alabama Sports Medicine Club, hereby associate ourselves to increasing the overall outlook of our educational experience by means of promoting educational activities, that we might develop closer contact with those who are involved in our future athletic training / sports medicine profession.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be: The University of West Alabama Sports Medicine Club


Article II

Section 1 : Membership shall not be denied because of sex, race, or any religious beliefs.

Section 2 : The membership of this organization shall be open to UWA students, faculty, and staff with an interest in Sports Medicine.

 3 : The quorum of membership for voting purposes shall be reached when fifty percent of the members are present.


Article III
Officers and Duties

The officers of this organization shall be : President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 1 : The duties of the President shall be to preside over all meetings of the organization, to appoint committees, to enforce the constitution to decide question of order, and to serve as the chairperson of the Newsletter committee.

Section 2 : The duties of the Vice – President shall be to preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and be ex – officio member of all committees, as well as function in the capacity as chair of the activities committee.

Section 3 and 4: The duties of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be to take attendance of all members present at meetings, keep up with minutes for all meetings,  to revise the constitution when the need arises, to represent their class as the official spokesperson, report to the President on all club matters, and serve as a member on the election committee with the faculty advisors).   The duties also include to collect dues, keep financial records, and to expend funds at the discretion of the majority vote of the club.

Section 4 : The duties of the class representatives shall be 

Section 5 : The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to maintain order in all meetings. The Parliamentarian will also make sure that all meetings are carried out by Robert’s Rule of Order.  In addition to the duties of Parliamentarian, this officer will also chair the Election committee.


Article IV
Election of Officers

Section 1 : Elections shall be held the first week in April and the elected officers will take over the following week. These officers will hold office for one full year.

Section 2 : Nominations will take place one week prior to election of officers.

Section 3 : Voting of elections shall be by secret ballot and votes will be counted by the faculty advisors.


Article V
Qualifications of Officers and Members

Section 1 : Any student enrolled at the University of West Alabama with an interest in athletic training / sports medicine is eligible for membership

Section 2 : Any members absent from five meetings per year without valid reason as determined by the President and faculty advisor(s) shall have to readmission.

Section 3 : Members in good standing shall maintain a Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, must attend two – thirds of all club meetings, and shall never have willfully terminated club membership

Section 4 : Officers must be members in good standing who have attended the University of West Alabama for one full semester.

Section 5 : Only members in good standing are eligible for office and to vote.

Section 6 : Membership may be terminated at any time as deemed appropriate by the faculty advisor(s) and club president if a member is and/or found guilty of breaking any laws, Federal or State.

Section 7 : Any UWASMC member missing a mandatory meeting shall be fined $3.00 to cover the expense of the speaker. This fine is due by the end of the semester or student’s grades will be tagged.  Exceptions will be made on the basis of legitimate, pre-arranged absences.  Exceptions shall be decided by the faculty advisor, the President, VP, Secretary/Treasurer and the Parliamentarian.


Article VI

Section 1 : Membership Committee : Its function is to determine the standing of current members and to be in charge of the readmission of previous members and / or violators of Article 5, Section 3 and section 6.

Section 2 : Election Committee : Its function is to determine the eligibility of officers and man the poll. They will be one freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior.

Section 3 : Activity Committee : Its function is to coordinate fundraisers and other activities to be carried on by the club. This committee will consist of the vice-president acting as chairman with three others as appointed by the President.

Section 4 : Newsletter Committee : Its function is to coordinate a newsletter to send out once per quarter to generate interest in Sports Medicine, promote the purpose of the Sports Medicine Club.


Article VII
Meetings and Dues

Section 1 : The organization will meet once a month on a date determined by the officers.

Section 2 : The President has the power to call special meetings if he/she feels the need to do so.

Section 3 : Dues will be in the amount of $10.00. They will be paid by the first meeting in September. The dues will be good for one academic year.

Section 4 : Each committee shall meet one week before the regular scheduled monthly meetings to prepare a report to give to the club and advisor(s).


Article VIII
Faculty Advisor(s)

This club shall have a regular faculty advisor(s) who will attend meetings and advise the club. The advisor, will be voted on by the club members.


Article IX

Amendments to the constitution shall be submitted to the President in writing one week prior to the meeting. A 2/3 vote of members shall suffice for adoption.

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Revised: 08/28/11 07:01 PM

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